Self-Publishing Is the Trend That Is Not Going Away

Under the Booklight

The Big Five traditional publishers are going the way of the dinosaur, or at least, that is what the numbers seem to indicate. With the rise of e-book sales and self-published “indie” authors, the trend is toward the Big Five houses receiving less and less of a share of the reading public’s dollars.

Brad Torgersen, an award-winning science fiction author, traces the beginning of the self-publishing trend to 2007 with the release of the Amazon Kindle.

“This, along with Amazon’s CreateSpace feature—allowing indie authors to also put hardcopy product onto the market—enabled independent authors to successfully compete with traditionally published authors on a wide scale, with broad audiences,” says Torgersen.

student surveys amazon A writer reviews her Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing account.

In 2012, the Pew Research Center noted a definite rise in Americans who owned e-book readers. In 2012, 33 percent of Americans owned either a dedicated reading device or tablet…

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